Tuesday, February 03, 2009

So where's my economic relief package?

1. I didn't fall for the banks' slimy encouragement to buy a $250,000 home with a meager income.

2. I pay my taxes.

3. I support American ingenuity.

I want to know...why Exxon boasted record profits today. I agree with President Obama's assessment that the 20 BILLION dollar bonuses to Wall Street was, indeed, "shameful." I want to know why these people didn't read between the lines but still get to keep their homes, why the CEOs aren't going to see any dip in their pocketbooks, and why my interest rates keep going up when I pay everything ON TIME.

I'm tired of living in a house built in the 1820s. It's what we could afford, so that's what we went with. But, had we been STUPID and bought something that we couldn't afford, we'd be better off.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And how come the price of gas is going up?