Does it ever feel like you'll soon have your own DSM-V diagnosis? Friday the 13th? For a whole week?
Work just poured in. It's good, because things have been slow, but my writing has taken a big slow cook on the back burner. My eyes hurt, too, and I want to read this big Hittite book I now own, but I can't even watch TV without my vision blurring. I can jack up the font on the computer, so that's a little easier, but I really want to read my new book. Okay, whine over.
KitKat is going strong on her project. Tiger's Eye turned in one today, 50/50 points. ManCub missed the last two days of school with cold/cough stuff, and he's bitterly disappointed because I went to the school and picked up what he missed. It's a good thing I did, too, because there's a heckuvalot there and she went through his desk and found assignments he "forgot" from other parts of the week.
Tiger's Eye big dance is tomorrow. I was just getting used to the idea, when he told me, Wednesday, very quietly, that he might not go. What? I asked him why, and he said he didn't want to talk about it right then. Okay. I did not press him, but I did ask later on that night, but he didn't want to talk about it. What can you do? I said okay and patted his shoulder. It must have not been too dire, because his mood was really good and he actually was quite pleasant to be around, even toward ManCub. The next day, he said the situation was "fixed" and he was going, so I ordered the corsage and Mom dug through my brother's old suits, which are very much in style again. My pocketbook thanks her.
Today was "Freshman Friday." Apparently, some of it got quite out of hand, but Tiger's Eye managed to get through it. He called while I was out doing the run. I sad, "You're alive!" He kinda laughed it off, and I told him I'd get his girlfriend's corsage and make a couple of other stops, and he could tell me all about it when I got home.
I pulled up in the driveway and, lazily, called home. Yes, called home from the carport. I had three big school books, lots of loose papers, lots of tapes in their plastic envelopes, and, of course, the pretty pale-pink wrist corsage. Tiger's Eye sheepishly complied, walking out with his cheeks uplifted with a clear "F" on each cheek in bright-blue permanent marker. Close inspection showed "fresh meat" written on the slope of his neck. As he assures me, he escaped with little humiliation. I got all kinds of flashbacks though as I helped scrub off the permanent marker. I remarked I hadn't washed his face in years, and it felt very, very strange to reach up so high to clean his cheeks. It just seems like he had spaghetti on that same face not to long ago.
Cards won! I have no nails left, though, and I'm glad I had too much work to watch last night, for the game was dismal and left our male family members in a funk. The Cardinales are coming home to St. Louis, though, and I doubt the Mets make it out alive. At least, that's my hope...I still remember being Tiger's Eye's age and calling the Mets "pond scum." They even had T-shirts that said "Mets Are Pond Scum." Maybe e-bay still has some...Be right back.
They do!!!! Toooooo funny! I have posted it for Cardinals fans' viewing pleasure.
So, we'll be parked in front of the TV, except for KitKat, who will wail and lament over our obsession with team sports. Can't disown her, though, because she loves hockey, although I'm still getting over the missed season of greed...um...rich players whining over maintaining immortal money status...um, players lobbying to keep their greedy lifestyles for $1000 for each touch of the puck...um...well, you know. Those demonic salary caps. Something that I wish every sport would adopt. I'm tired of NY teams of ALL sports throwing money and buying championships. I delight in it when that blows up in their faces. As any family that worked its way up from welfare to low class to middle class to upper middle class can tell you, the money you get isn't worth sacrificing the laughs along the way, or alienating your fan base (done quite nicely, here in hockey terms). Ozzie Smith, once the highest played payer in the game of baseball (and I shall point out his Cardinals' affiliation) holds the keys to the Hall of Fame, and I can tell you how many people he enchanted with the first back flip - the one that hailed opening day! Now, ask me about A-Rod. Ozzie Smith? A-Rod? Are you seeing something here? Nobody spits on or boos Ozzie. Most bow reverently, in my mind, and they well should.
Wow. I sound more like ManCub as this entry goes on. He detests cheaters, and has taken some of his cards out of his decks permanently for the same reason. We have tons of Mark McGwire baseball cards tucked away in a safe place...but are they worth anything? He basically stated he cheated in a courtroom by deferring to talk about the "past." So, looking for heroes becomes harder, but they're out there, and Pujols looks to be the real deal. So does Edmonds. Speizio. Definitely Eckstein - there's a true ballplayer for you, as was John Mabry when he was here. Taguchi? Big clutch player here lately. These are heroes. Pujols does get the big bucks. That is true. He's in a league of peers commanding the same salaries, and I'm sure he doesn't mind and it is "fair" as things are now, and I don't mind so much knowing how much he gives to the fans here. Would I like to see him under a salary cap? Yes. Yes. Yes, I would. And I think he's the kind of man who would agree with me.
Long live sports! Hopefully, KitKat will see the light and we'll have one more recliner around the TV and another person to make the light fixtures shake when we cheer. Two sports with salary caps down...Let's get back to basics, people! Play for the fun of it! Make us love you!
Will post much tomorrow night, hopefully, with lots of pics of Tiger's Eye and the girl for whom the pink corsage waits in the vegetable drawer in the fridge, which I'm going to go check on right now.
Love and stuff,
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