Well, this was the night--Tiger's Eye first dance. Thanks to my mom, we were all ready, down to the suit coat and tie. The tie belonged to my father, so it was kind of neat that he was there, kinda, too.
Fortunately, I remembered how to tie a tie without Internet instructions. Tiger's Eye showered while I cooked dinner, but we didn't get a chance to eat before we left. Okay, according to Tiger's Eye, because "free refreshments" were promised. He brought in a metal tin and sheepishly sat it down in front of me. The black box read "Curve" on it, a loving present given with a growing gentleman in mind. He opened the lid and we looked at the four bottles. He pulled out the aftershave.
"Not that one." I took it back and put it into its neat nestling spot in the case. "Here."
"Well, I don't know how to use this stuff." He pushed one item. "I know that's deodorant, though."
Looking at his pressed white shirt (thanks, Mom), and noose-tight tie, I took the cologne and squirted some down his neck and under his arms.
"You want to smell good, but she's going to be wearing some perfume, and you don't want to overpower her."
"Overpower! I am man! I overpower!" he said, holding his arms triumphantly overhead.
"Can it," I said.
Dash, dash, dash. Thank goodness, the shoes fit. We panicked while figuring that one out. We made it to the school and sat in front, looking for his date.
He asked me to get out with him and help him look for her. I asked him if that was okay, and he assured me it was. As soon as we stepped out of the car, we saw them, and she called over to him, her lithe hand waving.
I introduced myself, remarking how beautiful she looked, and she did. To my relief, I looked around at the other girls' dresses, and realized what taste this little lady and her mother have. As you see in the pictures, she's just precious, and the corsage matched perfectly.
I asked if it was okay to take pictures, and her mother said, "I'm ready, too. Let's get them!"
They posed for three, but poor Little Lady shook with cold, so we sent them off to the warm gymnasium.
I picked him up four hours later, him very satisfied with his dance. The last time I asked if he danced at a dance (where he always went stag for the free pizza), he told me "kind of," so I've been ribbing him about how you "kind of" dance with girls. Tonight, though, he danced with her twice. He told me, to my bitter disappointment, that no Nickelback was played. Oh, the humanity! He says slow dances are easy. Eek! But I'm okay. I didn't pull out the brown paper sack once.
I lived! Enjoy the pictures. My son's first date has ended, and it ended with a soft smile on his face. And he told me so much about it, and I love that he does that for me.

Saph, thanks for sharing this sweet story. They look darling in the photos, and I'm glad they had a good time. It doesn't always go that way!
I gave him that Curve!!!! I feel so needed and important in his life now...and I'll get to hold this over him until the day I die... I love being an aunt!!! Thanks for reproducing!
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