This, my friends, is Spaz. He's what's called a "spider" ball python "morph." Mr. Sapphire has a link to the very top right of the page if you want to know more.
We named Spaz shortly after getting him, because he had this funky, swaying motion he did with his head, side to side, perpetually in motion. Honestly, we rarely ever found him resting!
A few months back, I heard Mr. Sapphire yelling for me. I went back to see what happened, only to discover a Rubbermaid lid with a snake's head coming out of one of the air holes Mr. Sapphire puts in the snake containers. Okay. Spaz's head = 2.5 cm. Hole in lid = 0.5 cm.
Mr. Sapphire managed to remove him from his spazzy freak accident, but it became apparent that Spaz's jaw was dislocated. Imagine Mr. Sapphire's joy when Spaz finally ate for the first time, going back to the religious head motions and constant movement that we'd come to expect.
'Tis breeding season, now. Scooter, Gideon, et al, have figured out what's what in attracting the girlies. In fact, Mr. Sapphire retired Scooter because he was doing too well...almost to the point of exhaustion. He wouldn't eat until moved well away from the ladies AND got the idea that there were no more for him.
Spaz, however, got in, and did his little head motions and slithered all over the cage. Quite friendly, and admirably so, but that's not why we paid good money for a spider ball.
Mr. Sapphire charged in here the other night. "He's got it," he said.
"Yeah. He's lockin' up, and it ain't for long, but he's figured it out."
We're excited. Spaz is a pretty boy, and he's the foundation for a lot more morph projects. Again, if you're interested, please visit Mr. Sapphire's Page.
This isn't an attempt to get you to buy anything. We have nothing to sell, and probably not even after breeding season's over. Building stock takes some work.
But, our Spaz, dingy thing that he is, might be a proud papa.
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