Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Which self-help book do you recommend?

And you only think you're codependent.

I've had to cancel dinner plans twice. My life is so on schedule that any change and, wham, I have to scramble. I'm so freaking far behind. I'm so tired of not getting what I expect. Dinner. Help me, I just wanted dinner! Easy dinner! I had it worked into my schedule, but something came up. Lord help me...





I'm actually mourning its loss, but looking for a replacement, anyway. I have to have my crock pot. I swear, its death has put me so friggin' behind. The day I found it dead in my kitchen, dinner was salvageable. The pork cooked at 8 hours for 250 degrees (in the oven) and worked out just fine.

Please consider, though, I WORK NIGHTS. The crock pot is my sure-fire way to make sure we have a good meal at least THREE TIMES A WEEK.

Chicken and wild rice? Gone. Black bean chili? Not happening. At least, not in that nice turn-the-crock-pot-on, go-to-bed, and wake-up-to-dinner kind of way.

It's still sitting in my kitchen. I'm in denial. It's like it now waits for me to come by to poke it with a stick one last time to verify its deadness. My grandfather used to do this with an old dog of his. His knees were stiff and so were the dog's, and she slept down a big step in the back patio.

I need to put the pot in the trash. It's got a beautiful green ceramic bowl thingy. I love the color. It's the perfect size for us.

Anyone have a book for THAT? Crackpot healing for crock pot weirdos?

P.S. This is written while the chicken meant for the chicken and rice is in a nice silver pot with onions and garlic, frying. Must go.

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