Sunday, March 09, 2008

Tiger's Eye's first roadkill

I asked him if this is something you mark in the baby book, trying to take his focus off of being so devastated about it. Something ran up from the creek and right under the wheels. I saw a reddish-orange blur. I didn't want to over-analyze definitely wasn't HIS fault, but when he checked the rear-view mirror, the critter still twitched.

Poor kid. He shook the rest of the way home. He's haunted by the noise it made as it went under the wheel; soda cans were definitely more fun. I want to twitch, too, but I had to laugh it off so he didn't feel so bad...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it helps at all - and I mean that most sincerely - my first, and only, roadkill experience was in my brand new '83 Mustang ... and I hit a skunk. A big, huge thing.

Note for some other time: Mustangs and skunks don't play well together.
