Friday, December 14, 2007

Critter! I gots a new critter!

Meet Ifrit, our new 6-week-old lionhead rabbit. His neck is quite bushy, and it will fill out more. Hence, "lion head."

I first heard about lionheads on Restuvus, where a couple of ladies totally endorsed them as pets. I'm sure you've heard that I'm not huge on rodents before, but, c'mon, when a critter has a mane???? That's gerbil league! I did some research and found a local breeder in our area. There was only one. Guess who? My sisters' friends' dad! Ash and Boo, the twins, have been friends with his kids, a set of twins, for years. Ash called Mr. K and inquired about the rabbits. He had them, he said, with another litter only a week or so away from leaving mama.

I nearly stroked out from excitement. A critter with a mane! Everything I read about them just said, yeah. Great pet. More company for the night shift! I talked to Mr. Sapphire and, yes, Mrs. Sapphire could get herself a bunny...for the kids, you know. :)

Mr. K found it all quite interesting. He had just only started raising lionheads, and this was the first litter for him ever! I guess there's an AKC for rabbitdom, and lionheads aren't quite there yet, but he's smart for getting the jump on it when the will be. He couldn't believe we'd heard about it, as he's been raising about 50 different varieties of rabbits and is quite the authority.

Ash called me about a week ago...she said I was getting a bunny for Christmas, at a very, very nice discount. Actually, friends of friends are really, really nice. Mom called me last night to let me know I'd have a nice bunny by noon today. I worked nights, so I snoozed in the recliner, and woke up to a perfect black fluffball making a box rock on my belly, with Boo and Ash standing over me. The heavens parted, angels sang...

So, this is Ifrit. He's so soft, and he's very, very friendly. He's Ifrit because KitKat quickly vetoed Mr. Bun Bun (it was really only temporary. Really), and she didn't like Truffles. Both of us being into this writing stuff and irony, we picked a fire-breathing hellfire spewing demon from the Final Fantasy series. Yep. It was either that or Bahamut, and he looks like more of an Ifrit. If that makes sense to you, write me and I'll go in with you on group therapy.

Thank you, ladies! I love you and your friends. He's making me very, very happy. Mr. Sapphire keeps telling me he's not going anywhere, but I put his cage at eye level just to be sure.

1 comment:

Victoria E said...

Awwwww - too cute for words!