In other news, my nephew might just be on that flight to Kenya with them, because, you see, Kaplan is an official Nimrod. There is no more junior member for this little dude. See here? Tell his momma she needs to start a-blogging. She's got talent, and this little man's going to make sure she uses it!
My sister Joni writes:
Hey, family! I apologize for those of you who are not interested, but I thought you might enjoy
hearing about my day yesterday with your youngest nephew. I thought Mom and Sapphire would enjoy this the most.
Anyway, we are in the throws of potty training, as most of you know. I decided that I've had about enough of a 3 year old in diapers, despite having a 5 week old. I may be insane, but when else would I be stuck at home and doing tons of laundry? So, I've been taking him to the potty every hour to hour and a 1/2. We also gave him matchbox cars as an incentive to poop in the potty. I thought, no problem. I only paid $.50 for them on sale. $.50 a day for a potty trained child is well worth the investment. I didn't anticipate that the child would squeeze a little bit out almost every time he sat on the toilet, resulting in 4 to 5 cars a day! That's getting a little more pricey. We've now switched to the dime system and for every 5 dimes, he can trade it in for a car. Maybe with any luck, he'll learn to use the potty and the value of a dollar! Boy, am I an accountant!
So yesterday, he had done pretty well and already amassed about 3 dimes. I thought it would be safe to put him in his room for quiet time. So I took him potty again, read him 3 books and left him in his room for a bit. Hubby was working in the office just next to Kaplan's room and I was sitting down to feed Kedi (editor's note: My newborn niece). Meanwhile, Kaplan asked to go to the potty again. Just after that, I received a phone call and chatted with my friend for a while.
Mind you, the kid had JUST GONE POTTY TWICE in the last hour.
When I got off the phone with my friend, I realized that I heard movement (no pun intended) from the other end (again, pardon the pun) of the hall and told Kedi that we should go check on her big brother. Kaplan met me at the bedroom door, sans pants and underwear. I got so excited. "Did you go to the potty all by yourself?" "Yes!," he exclaimed back. I noticed brown smears all over the inside of his leg. By then I was turning the corner to the bathroom. Poop was smeared all over the toilet, where he had tried to dump his underwear to make it look like he pooped in the potty for a dime! I couldn't help but sigh and laugh. I do have a 3 year old, after all. They can be naive and crafty all at the same time. At least he knew he'd gone in his pants and was doing something about it rather than sitting in it for me to find! There was my silver lining. That, and as I'm cleaning, he's saying, "I'm sorry, Mommy. I'm sorry."
After completely cleaning the bathroom and my son, I decided it was time for a bath. I ran the bath water, complete with bubbles. After asking if he needed to pee and receiving a negative response (after all, hadn't he gone several times the previous hour?), I plopped him in the tub. About 2 minutes later, he said, "I just peed in my boat." By now, I was losing patience and yelled, "Kaplan, I just asked if you needed to go and you said NO!" I drained the bath water (which takes forever), cleaned all the toys and then the bathtub. I refilled the tub and stuck him back in. Literally seconds into it, I watched him pee again. I exclaimed, "Kaplan!" I pulled him out of the tub and stuck him on the now clean potty. He received a sponge bath after that. I couldn't handle cleaning the tub once more.
Even after all that, I wouldn't change my job for the world, though sometimes I wonder! But it also gives me even more appreciation for you, Mom and Sapphire and any other Mom who's been there and been a maid for a number of years, without pay and without appreciation.
Love you all!
Editor's note: We love you too! Thanks for giving me permission to post that. Moms of all kinds are gonna read this and think, yeah, been there. I've so been there.
For more access to my dementia, please go to It's free. I'm still working on getting my own DSM-IV diagnosis...stay tuned...
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