Thursday, November 15, 2007

Is this kind of a "why is the sky blue" question?


ManCub can't hear his own alarm. KitKat can't hear her own alarm. By golly, though, wouldn't you know...she complains that his is too loud, and he wakes up by her alarm. I've been up all night and I can't Aesop this one out. I'm going to let it go.

Five chapters edited. Cover letter written. Synopsis form...still sitting where I left it in the front room Sunday while I watched football, cooked, did dishes, yada yada ad nauseum in patheticum deo. I have no idea if that means anything other than my dementia is all I have left to offer after a night of typing for a colorectal surgeon, one Arab rheumatologist, one Indian rheumatologist who speaks her version of the Queen's English with some American accents (I love typing for her - she's awesome), one plastic surgeon (no 750-cc Mentor silicone implants tonight, darnit--I love laughing at those chicks), and lots and lots of colonoscopies with poor bowel prep. Doc S has so many ways of saying they didn't take their GoLYTELY seriously. ::shudder::

Yeah, that just fell under the TMI category, didn't it?

For more of my dementia, please visit It gets weirder than this, folks. I guarantee it.

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