Friday, July 06, 2007

Oh, the torment.

He was right:

"Honey, I don't think this thing is going to properly hold the sink. See?"

It falls off the wall and clips the hot water valve. There is a wonderful noise of rushing water between the walls. Yay. More plumbing bills.

Things I never thought I'd say:

"Why is there a towel on the pizza?"

KitKat: Because it looked a little cold.

Things I hoped I never hear:

Him: I really have to go to the bathroom. I need to go, but the water's shut off.
Me: You can pee.
Him: Cool...

He's still standing in the one place.

Me: In the toilet!

I'm naming my first gray hairs after my children.

Prosody playing:

Possibly, perchance, peruse p.c. packages per Purr. Please, post-haste, per Papa, purify Purr's pooping proximity. Problem? Perfect. Progress? Procrastination! Put prohibited, putrid pickings paces from porch, preferentially, pronto!


I'm getting tired of my own dementia...

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