Yesterday was that day. Actually, it happened before then, but Friday was the soonest I could make it happen. I was on pins and needles and antsy, antsy, antsy. I wanted OUT!
KitKat and I took the MetroLink to Union Station, where were promptly assailed by a henna tattoo merchant. He definitely wasn't Indian, so while getting a dragon on my arm (he was a very good salesman), I discovered he was from Israel. His kiosk sat not too far from another, a Dead Sea product merchant, who too was from Israel. Interestingly, I talked about the Dead Sea and how I'd been wanting to see it, and that I swam in the Mediterranean, but it wasn't as salty, when another gentleman with the 2nd gentleman from Israel asked what part of the sea in which I had swam. I told him Mersin. Turned out his mother was Turkish. I told him "merhaba" and chatted very nicely with them for a while. Then, we went upstairs and had gyros. I told the guy behind the counter that, so far, I had been in conversation with two Israelis and a Turk, and I assumed he was Greek. He made me guess. That's a dangerous, dangerous game. I felt safe he wasn't a Turk, so I stayed away from that one. I guessed Crete. He said no. I said Lebanese. He looked at me like I'd be dead. I told him that playing the guessing game from that part of the world could be construed as an insult and I thought it would be better off if he came clean. He was from Morocco. The gyro was delicious, and then we went downstairs and played with the Chinese finger weapons and looked at a crossbow replica and a mace with four stainless steel balls, and, of course, more dragons for KitKat.
It was PLEASANT. Wow. I feel like I've done something, and all we did was leave the house for a few hours. I am such a homebody, and KitKat and I now have matching henna dragon tattoos. It was fun, and I think KitKat looks at me just a bit differently. She's so shy and I'm so not, and had I been shy, we wouldn't have had such a nice dinner conversation topic.
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