Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Writing...I wish I had more time to do it.

I'm in write mode. I saw this picture on the Internet and BOOM book idea. This is strange. I usually create the worlds and then figure out where to make the people go. In this case, I have HER and I need to put her in a world that makes sense. I am going to put this picture in several different prominent places to remind me to look at her and add to her story mentally while I finish my other stuff. Ice Queen is SO close to being good to go. Then, I'll finish twisted.

KitKat is really starting to get into her fantasy writing. She used the Google Image feature and found a whole bunch of fantasy pics for me tonight and compiled them in a WP document and e-mailed it to me. She's feeding off my muse, and, apparently, I'm feeding off hers, because she sent me all kinds of images that are winding around my warrior princess picture and an idea is swirling around my mind. Authors understand mindstorms. I'll try to explain it sometime.



Anonymous said...

Oh, Sapphy!
Love your page! Um, hon, you really need to look at Ciruelo's Dragons (if you ahven't already).

I'm so proud of you and your rejection letter. It's sorta like having to peel off the 'sealed for freshness' tape across the top of the peanut butter jar so you can get at the goody inside.
Happy writing!
love ya, kiddo~

Anonymous said...

(glad you read typo-ese) sheez.