Isn't it lovely? My sister-in-law pointed out how many times they use variants of the root word "reject." Unfortunately, this is what you get when they don't even get you a chance. They didn't even move the first page! I did everything right. I read over their submission requirements many times but...
get this...
I didn't address it to the editor.
::smacks head::
I'm just hoping I'm not in a computer system that has a pop-up window with IDIOT on it in blazing letters for when I submit again. I have to finish Ice Queen, and then I'll keep Red Watzana on reserve. I need to get back to Twisted, and I have yet another book swirling around in my head--in addition to the 10+ other books for which I've created a world/setting and need to take the characters in an appropriate direction.
I always worry that I'll run out of ideas, but that has never happened. I always have something running in the background, kind of like a computer monitoring program. It's rather interesting. KitKat hits write mode often, too. If we're in the car, we both get very, very quiet. I look at her; she looks at me. "What you doing?" I ask her. "Writing," she replies. "Me, too," I reply.
She carries a notebook with her often and outlines her books. She learned a new word, "novella," and has applied it to her books. Isn't that cute????
ManCub, too, is starting to understand why we do weird things like spending life with a bunch of characters only known to you hold conversations in your mind and typing what they say to you. The other night, he had to make a story with spelling words, and he got so into it that it required an extra page! Woo hoo! This is not something he normally does, but he claimed "I got into it." Proud mom moment there, no doubt!
Now, we just have to convert Tiger's Eye to the cult...
Tough break. Better luck on the later attempts. Glad you are keeping your chin up, though. Too many people lose hope when they receive that first rejection. I can't wait to get mine!
I think my chin's up. I'm using a sneak-attack method. I'm going to flood multiple different companies with multiple manuscripts, synopses (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK) and first chapters, whichever they should desire. I've got enough material here. It's time to do something with it.
Thanks for the good wishes. I hope for you the very same.
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