Wednesday, August 23, 2006


This is KitKat, my second cub. Today was her 2nd full day of school, and she had a good time. She seized the computer when Tiger's Eye did his homework and proceeded to continue writing her fantasy novel.

She's my precious. Her eyes are kind of squinted in this photo, but they are big and blue with long, long lashes. Her hair is thick and lustrous, and she always smiles.

She likes to surf the 'net for fantasy pics. When she finds a good number of them, she inserts them into a document for me. Sometimes, she gets so inspired that she makes me some neat art, like this:

She's cute, isn't she? Both the chiquita and the dragon? Believe it or not, this is only her 2nd dragon, and it was drawn freehand. Little lady just discovered that she had the ability to do this kind of thing recently. She loves to read and spends every spare moment at school with a book, so when she comes home, she does things like this or writes, which makes me oh-so proud.

This is her water dragon, her first attempt:

So, as you can see, there's plenty to be hopeful for KitKat's future!

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