Tuesday, August 21, 2012

When a horsefly gets in your house...

do you:

A) Grab a swatter and your son's size 14 shoe?

B) Take the newspaper (like you'd grab it from the stand), open the door, and fan/scare the horsefly toward the outside?

C) Nothing, because your dog found it first and has been chasing it for 2 hours, and she's teaching her new sibling dog to chase it, as well?

One dog just came from the back of the house and another from the kitchen, and they flushed it back towards me. Lucy actually caught it once and had it on the ground. She pawed at it and it took off again. This thing is huge. They've stopped for water 3 times.

She finds spiders and snakes for me, too. If I come in a room and see her sitting and staring off in space, I know we have a bug to deal with.

Does anyone else have a dog where you can say, "Where's the bug?" and she'll go looking for one?

Horsefly update:  The dogs successfully cornered the horsefly into a light sconce, one of the ones that is hard to change bulbs for, as the new "environmentally friendly" (cough cough mercury filled and hazardous to clean up) just barely fit.  The fly is now stuck and can't figure out how to get out.

I don't know whether to try to get it out or let my dogs still sit right under it and watch the light, listening for the really loud buzz of the horsefly as it pings in its limited space beneath that monstrous bulb and the flare of the sconce. 

It's sad when my best entertainment of the day comes from a horsefly and two dogs.

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